Wisely Travelling by Carlo Arcucci

Honestly Easter is a very good time to visit Sorrento (my own town) mainly for couple of reasons…first of all will be just the begging of our summer season working so many structures as hotels,restaurants and bars will be open after a pretty long rest during the winter months…the weather usually starts getting much better and it’ll not be too busy and crazy as could be definitely in the hot summer….last but not least reason are the Holy Processions hosted in Sorrento during the Easter Time.
We do have very old Processions which carry along the streets of Sorrento symbols of the Passion of Jesus…involving hundreds of people
.In Sorrento we do have 2 different one:

It starts approx. by 3am on Good Friday ,all members will dress in white..it recalls the route taken by the Virgin Mary looking for her son Jesus who was sentenced to death,as well as the key of moments of the Passion.

It starts by 9pm approx. on Good Friday,all members will dress in black….it represents the time when our Virgin Mary found her son death.